You are
You are unbe-leaf-able!
You are
Make sure your class follows all the rules in order to collect as many leaves as possible. Hugo got his already!
golden star trophy
golden star trophy
golden star trophy
Be the BEST class for the week and take this trophy to your classroom. Show it off to all other classes!
secret student of the day
secret student of the day
secret student of the day
I am watching you! I'll reveal the secret student of the day at the end of class only IF I see proper library behavior. Stay alert!
Don't forget to bring your book back every week. If there is any problem, come talk to me. I'm sure we will have an amazing year! Remember to always believe in yourself!
THings to know!!
THings to know!!
THings to know!!
Library Rules
Taking Care of Your Book
Checking-Out a BookFollow the 5-Finger Rule
Class tree
Class tree
Class tree